giovedì 17 settembre 2015

interview with Nikolaj Madsen _ Blue de Genes

 Blue de Genes è un brand danese che ripercorre e valorizza la storia del denim iniziando proprio al nome che originalmente indicava le tele in frustagno che transitavano attraverso il porto ligure tinte con l'indaco. L'azienda produce i propri capi in Veneto cogliendo le opportunità che il territorio offre e il know-how nella confezione dei jeans sviluppato nel tempo. La collezione presenta capi basici dal sapore worker, come vuole la tradizione, in tessuti unwash oppure trattati. Incontro il brand durante l'edizione estiva 2015 di Seek a Berlino, incontro da cui nasce quest'intervista con Nikolaj Madsen che vi propongo di seguito.

When and who it's born Blue de Genes?
Blue de Gënes was created by my father (Ole Madsen) in 2010. My father wanted to create a denim brand with few compromises that respected the history behind jeans.

With the name "Blue de Genes" you do a tribute to denim history, can you tall me more about it?  what you want to transmit?
Blue de Gênes is made in respect for the history behind jeans. According to history, jeans were originally worn in Genoa hundreds of years ago. With our brand we wish to explain people this heritage and many of our styles are also inspired by the time where jeans were first worn in Genoa.

Blue de Genes is produced in italy, in Veneto; why you have chosen this area for you jeans?
We produce all our jeans in Italy, as we wish to do it in respect of the Italian jeans tradition and the Italian jeans heritage. As jeans were originally worn in Genoa, we thought that it would be right to also produce the jeans in Italy. Also we have a very good supplier in the Veneto area, who make some very good products.

Which is the relationship with the supply chain's player? it's  value added work with them?
 We have a longstanding relationship with our supplier. With his know-how and sense for craftsmanship, he is very valuable for us and he adds a lot of value to the brand and products.

 The value added that you have give to Blue de Genes, it's importante for your clients? how to they consider it? 
I think many of our customers like the story that we transmit with Blue de Gênes. Also, we work very thoroughly with our products and ensure that every detail is right. This is also important for our customers.

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